Dr Kim Fe Cramer & Dr Constantin Charles

In an era of significant institutional and individual market turmoil, investors must look beyond traditional investment vehicles such as bonds and shares.

A substantial increase in the price of gold is just one example of a successful alternative investment at work. From hedge funds and private equity, to venture capital funds, real estate and commodities, this course explores how alternative investments can be used as vehicles for growth.

Through a combination of theory and application through empirical exercises, this course allows you to gain practical experience in alternative investments. You will learn to identify what the return-risk characteristics of alternative investments are, what drives their appeal, how to understand related technical publications, and how to construct a portfolio using them.

Through interactive classes that allow you to get hands-on experience using data, you will apply the theory to real-world situations including measuring the risks of investment portfolios, evaluating a leveraged buyout deal and analysing the profitability of a venture capital deal.