Dr Jacco Bomhoff & Dr Jan Kleinheisterkamp

With the rise of globalisation, businesses that enter foreign markets are exposed to the legal frameworks of the countries they choose to do business in. As a result, the field of international commercial litigation and arbitration has become increasingly complex. Businesses must navigate the intricate legal landscape, understanding the implications of doing business globally and how this impacts when, where and how they can resolve legal disputes.

This course offers a concise introduction to the legal challenges relating to the international dimension of litigating commercial disputes, both before state courts and in arbitration. With London being one of the most important centres for commercial litigation and arbitration in the world, the course focuses on the relevant English and European Union law, invoking experiences from other jurisdictions where useful.

You will gain a theoretical and practical understanding of modern litigation and arbitration, with special attention paid to the means of anticipating problems in contractual stipulations such as jurisdictional clauses, choice-of-law clauses and arbitration clauses. By the end of the course, you will have a thorough understanding of the complex international legal landscape and the implications of doing business around the world.